by Mária Palušová
15-20. September 2018
Opening reception: 15th of September, 17:00
Venue: Listhus gallery
About artist:
Mária Palušová is a current Intern at Listhús Art Residency (Jun-Sep 2018). Mária is from Czech Republic where she is studying at the Art Education programme.
During her time in Ólafsfjörður she has been working on several paintings and mainly drawings inspired by the natural– and social environment of Iceland.
About the exhibition:
My work derives from subconscious imagery. I want my work to be a possible definition of the space of my mind which reveals my thoughts and their contact point with the outside world. My work has roots in nature, which I am able to reveal through pictures.
"Distracted" shows finished and work-in-progress pieces which were made during the stay in North Iceland.
We come as foreigners to a, for us, foreign country. Who or what is 'foreign'? The stranger walking the land or the land carrying the man? Getting to know each other is a process of being constantly surprised by similarities and differences. Everything is new, nothing is new.
Many distractions we experience every day. They give us the possibility to create unity through forcing ourselves to focus.
Works of daily natural objects, their structures. Works of sceneries which have brought man into a different world. Works of daily basic life and surroundings near to our roots. Homes and human needs, in a strong and sharp environment. Works of mind's reinterpretation and memory.